Friday 12 November 2021

Tēnā koutou e te whānau

I hope this letter finds you and your whānau safe and well. 

We welcome Years 0-10 students back to school 

We are delighted to be able to welcome all Years 0-10 students back onsite under Alert Level 3.2 from next Thursday 18 November until the last day of school on Thursday 16th December. We know learning kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) is the best option for children and young people. It’s important for them to connect with their friends and teachers, and it helps their social, physical and emotional wellbeing. We believe that this is in the best interests of our students, teachers and whānau. Our staff held preparation meetings yesterday and today, and we will be ready to welcome ALL students who are ready to return.

School hours for students

  • School hours are 8.50 am – 3.00 pm for Years 4-13 students 
  • School hours are 8.50 am – 2.30 pm for Years 0-3 students to allow for an easier exit for our youngest children, 
  • Older siblings can leave with their younger siblings in years 0-3 at 2.30 pm with parent/caregiver permission.
  • Bus students in Years 0-3 will remain with their teachers until they get on the bus at the usual time in the afternoon.
  • Students will use designated entrance and exit gates. Whānau teachers will share specific details before Thursday. 

Schoolwide Organisation

  • Our students will remain in their usual learning groups and they will stay separated.
  • Kura Tuakana students need to bring Chrome books to school every day to support their learning.
  • Kura Teina students will return their Chromebooks when they return to school on Thursday.
  • All students need to bring their own food and drink every day from home.
  • Drinking fountains will not be available but students will have access to designated taps for water. 
  • The School Canteen and the “Feed the Kids” programme will not operate for the rest of this year.
  • External visitors (including parents and caregivers) are only permitted to enter the school office.
  • External visitors (including parents and caregivers) must wear a face mask at drop off and pick up times.
  • If your child is going to be absent from school, please follow our usual school process.
  • School buses will run as usual.
  • Our school playgrounds are open.

Health and Safety public health measures are in place. 

  • All on-site staff meet the vaccination requirements.
  • Year 4-13 students and staff will wear face coverings,
  • The cleaning staff will disinfect and clean surfaces daily.
  • We will practice physical distancing where possible.
  • Sanitising products and contact tracing registers will be used in every space.
  • Classrooms are well ventilated and students will learn outside as much as possible.
  • Hygiene practices will be observed when using PE, Sports and/or Musical instruments and after using the playgrounds.
  • Singing and eating will happen outside.

Learning Programmes

In the first instance, we will use face-to-face time at school

  • for teachers to reconnect with learners;
  • for learners to reconnect with each other;
  • to check in on the well-being of learners;
  • for interactive discussions and collaborative, hands-on activities that support the online learning programmes; and
  • to provide one-on-one or small group time for vulnerable students.


  • Unfortunately, we are not able to invite parents/caregivers on site.
  • All prize giving assemblies will be held in an online format. 
  • The Year 4-10 camps are now regrettably cancelled.
  • School and team assemblies will be held online.
  • All events involving bringing others onsite are cancelled.

Remaining at home

We support whānau choice to remain at home during this time. 

  • Our online learning platforms are still available on our RAS school website.
  • TVNZ Home Learning and Papa Kāinga TV schedule learning programmes daily on TV.
  • The Ministry of Education website provides a wide variety of learning resources.  (
  • Hard packs will be available for distribution once they arrive from the Ministry of Education.

What you can do to help

  • Stay at home if you or your child is sick.
  • Avoid catching up with other parents, children and whānau at the school gates.
  • Wear a face covering and maintain a two-metre distance from people not in your household bubble.
  • Get advice from your doctor if you or your child has complex medical needs (and please get in touch so that we can support your child to return onsite, wherever possible).
  • Avoid having playdates inside with children from other families at Alert Level 3.

Finally, we encourage you to talk to your children about what our plans are and why this is happening. Being at school will be a little different to what they are used to. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact me (07-8258140) or your child’s teacher by phone or email.  We look forward to seeing you back at school next week.

Stay Connected. Stay safe. Stay well.


Ngā mihi  – Whaea Louisa


Louisa Barham (Tumuaki/Principal)