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Teenaa koutou e te whanau o te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa

Raglan Area School wishes to extend warmest wishes to the entire Raglan Community and to congratulate everyone on the strong commitment made in responding positively to the COVID 19 situation. We returned to school on Wednesday 15 April – in our new teaching and learning “distance learning” space. During the two previous “holiday weeks”  teaching staff worked hard to immerse themselves into new learning required to work within this online teaching and learning environment.



Teaching staff are now connecting online in video conferences, via email, phone calls and text, to support our families as together we learn with and alongside our students. Our school website ( is the home site for our teaching and learning programmes and we invite all Raglan whanau to explore what we are providing.


Yesterday, Thursday 16 April our Prime Minister, Jacinda Adern, indicated schools may be open for some students up to and including Year 10 at Alert Level 3. While this announcement may have created some level of uncertainty for some of you – please be assured that right now – we remain fully committed to the Distance Learning programmes and connections that were initiated on Wednesday 15 April.  The Prime Minister will be providing confirmation of what Alert Level 3 will look like for schools next Monday 20 April. Following this announcement, we will be in contact to update you all on what this will mean for Raglan Area School.


We are proud to be a part of the close knit and supportive Raglan community and with the assistance of support staff and the Civil Defence, home learning packs were delivered to many of our families with a second delivery planned for this weekend. Some families do not have full internet and / or device connections but we are continuing to look for solutions to address this. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Contacts for all teachers are available on the website and I can be contacted via the following email address;

Stay home and stay safe, Kia Kaha Raglan whanau.

Ngaa mihi nui
Louisa Barham