Talk About It

Talk with your child about his or her day, but guide the discussion by asking questions like:

– Did you make a mistake today? What did you learn?

– What did you do that was difficult today?


Encourage Failure (say what?!)

Your child needs to know that failure can (and often does) happen and it is okay!  Remind them that each time they fail and try again, their brain is growing stronger!  Don’t step in to prevent your childs failure – this is how they learn to persevere in the face of challenges.


Praise the Process

Instead of saying. “you’re so smart!” praise effort, goal setting, persisting through challenges, or being creative.  You can say something like “Wow! You must have worked really hard on this!”.


The Brain Can Grow!

Remind your child that his or her intelligence is not fixed.  Remind them that when things are difficult, their brain grows by persisting through the challenge.  Each time they learn something new, their brain is making new connections. Your child needs to know this is possible.


Help them change their dialogue

The way your child talks to them self makes a huge impact on their mindset.  If they say, “this is too hard!” help them change that to “I can’t do this yet, but I will keep trying.” Give them the words to say when they feel defeated by modeling it yourself!