The staff of Year 13 students would like to extend a warm welcome to new and returning students, parents, caregivers and their families. Year 13 students have finalised their timetables and are well into their learning programmes.

2017 Whanau teachers for this cohort of students are:

  • Mr Dean Hishon – Surf Academy
  • Mr Dave O’Loughlin
  • Ms Naomi Tovio
  • Mrs Pauline Sweetman

Whanau:  We began the year with a roll of 18 students and this may change as the term progresses.  Initially all Year 13 students (with the exception of the Surf Academy) will be run as one whanau class under the guidance of Mr O’Loughlin, Ms Tovio and Mrs Sweetman.

Mentor Groups:  The students have chosen mentor teachers to work with them in small groups, and they will meet with their assigned mentor on Wednesday mornings (except assembly weeks).  The mentor teacher will offer support and guidance and monitor attendance and progress.

A component of the senior academic mentoring programme for 2017 students, with the support of the whanau pod teachers, will be utilising the bulls-eye career tool. is an online tool that helps secondary school students identify their career options. Focusing on occupations that are available in the New Zealand employment market, matches student interests and aptitude with potential careers and provides information about different industries, job sectors and learning pathways. Students complete a series of interests, skills and job questionnaires.  The results are compiled as a report which can be emailed to the student, teacher and parent/caregivers for discussion and a career action plan developed throughout the year.  As a parent/caregiver, if you have any concerns, queries or feel the need for a chat about your student, please feel free to contact your child’s mentor teacher.

Peer Support:  Throughout Term 1 a group of Year 12 & 13 students will be working on a peer support programme with the Year 7 & 8 students.  This entails one period per week with the students in a tuakana/teina association, building positive relationships and acting in a mentor capacity.

General Information:

School Day:  The school day begins at 8:50am each day and concludes at 3:00pm (excluding Wednesday, when the day ends at 2:15pm).

Dress Code:  The school does not have a formal school uniform as such (except a P.E. uniform), but does have a dress code.  Students are given the freedom to present themselves at school as they choose, within the ‘Dress Code’ guidelines.

Subject Costs:  Some practical subjects have a cost component attached to them.  These costs need to be paid to the school office asap, to enable the student to participate fully in the programme.  The office is happy to set up an A.P. or Direct Credit system for those who choose this option.

Website:  A new education resource – Employability Skills Framework – has just been released, which is aimed at helping young people into successful working futures. Further information can be found on these websites

We wish you and your student a happy and productive academic year.  Please do not hesitate to contact any of us at anytime.  You can contact us at the school on 825 8140 or via email

Mr Dean Hishon 
Mr Dave O’Loughlin
Ms Naomi Tovia
Mrs Pauline Sweetman


Kind Regards,

Pauline Sweetman and Team