Get Involved

community-2014-2Whanau, community and others are encouraged to get involved with the school. Very obviously the greatest engagement will be around the progress and achievements in the education of the youth, this is most usually reflected in attendance at hui, meetings with staff both formal and informal, attendance at events and celebrations.

Standing for and being elected to the Board of Trustees is all about becoming involved in the kura.

You can join our PTA group which is a relaxed and friendly group of volunteers who welcome new members.

Other engagement with whanau and community include such voluntary service as working in the library, working as support staff for special groups of students and with some individual students.

Whanau are involved in trips, sharing expertise (music, arts, for instance), tutoring in fine arts and on and on.

An example of a collaborative engagement in the kura is the restoration and enhancement of the coastal fringe that includes Iwi and Hapu, the school, Whaingaroa Harbourcare, Whaingaroa Enviro Centre, Xtreme Waste, Enviro-schools, Meridian, Sustainable Coastlines, community volunteers, Community Council, District Council and Environment Waikato.

The other area for participation is in supporting the sporting and recreational aspirations of our youth including coaching, managing, and support for school and community teams, events and clubs.

Have you thought of something else….then please share it with us.