Latest School News
Monday 17th March – School Photo Day
Kia ora koutou Next Monday 17th March is school photo day. If you wanted to have a sibling photo taken please pop in to the office to complete a form. Sibling photos take place first from 8:30am on the day followed by class and individual student photos. You will be...
Feed the Kids Update – March 2025
Please be advised that Feed the Kids will not be operating from Raglan Area School for the remainder of this term. We are currently working on finding a suitable solution to accommodate their storage needs while also meeting the school’s space requirements. We hope to...
Learning Conversations – 11-13 March
Kia ora whānau, We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Learning Conversations at Raglan Area School. These meetings are a great opportunity to connect with teachers, discuss your child’s progress, and set goals for the year. When These conversations will be...
Warm greetings to you all; to students, their whanau, our staff, and our community. Welcome to Raglan Area School (Te Kura A Rohe O Whaingaroa).
We are an Area School (composite school) and provide for more than 570 students aged 5 to 19 years.
Find more information about our school on the Our School page as well as in the main navigation bar at the top. For Parents, Prospective Parents, Students and Community, we wanted to make it as simple as possible for you and have placed links to all the information we think you’ll need into targeted sections.
If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Principal’s News
Monday 17th March – School Photo Day
Kia ora koutou Next Monday 17th March is school photo day. If you wanted to have a sibling photo taken please pop in to the office to complete a form. Sibling photos take place first from 8:30am on the day followed by class and individual student photos. You will be...