Enrolment Info & Forms

We Welcome New Students

We know it can be a difficult decision choosing the right school for your child. We think the best way to help make the choice is to come and visit us. We encourage parents to visit our school.

For new entrants, we recommend that you visit prior to your child’s fifth birthday. Please phone the school to arrange a time to visit our new entrant classrooms prior to the first day of attendance.  We have a special information package for parents of new entrant children.

Enrolment in Te Roopu Aroha ki te Reo has set procedures so if you are considering this option please read the attached form of the school policy on enrolment.

Interviews by parents with members of the school staff are welcomed, although it is not often possible to provide contact with teachers during teaching hours.  Teachers are available outside of classroom hours.  As many of the staff have lunchtime and after school commitments with pupils, parents are invited to arrange interviews either by note or by telephoning the school office.

Enrolment Forms

Please contact the school regarding enrolment forms



School Prospectus 2021